therapy in Charleston or virtually for anyone in South Carolina.
Let me see if I can guess…
You don’t want to get divorced, but *this life* won’t do either.
You love your partner. You really do. BUT...
…You crave more inside jokes 😂 and fewer misunderstandings 😡.
...You miss warm hugs instead of the cold shoulder.
...You’re ready to tally📝 each others’ celebrations, not criticisms.
...Hell, you’d settle for remembering why you liked each other at the start 👩❤️👨.
Recently, I laughed at an Instagram reel that said, “why were they teaching me square-dancing and how to play ‘Hot Cross Buns’ on the recorder when they should’ve been teaching me how to do my taxes?” and honestly #same...
…but also…couldn’t they have added *one little class* about healthy relationships? SERIOUSLY, NO ONE TAUGHT US! They left out that entire section of the life manual 😑.
So listen, it’s no wonder (hear me say: it’s not your fault!) that you feel trapped in the never-ending-cycle of:
✅too early alarm (coffee #1)
✅morning rush (coffee #2)
✅massive energy spend on productivity 💻 (afternoon coffee, anyone?)
✅one last push to get the kids fed and to bed
✅crash on the couch for "your show" (be honest - who’s the one snoring before the end of the episode?)
AND at the same time you know in your bones that half-watched episodes of Yellowstone will never be the glue that your marriage needs.
I’m gonna shoot you straight - that nagging feeling...the one that says there’s
GOT 👏 TO 👏 BE 👏 MORE 👏
will not just *magically* go away.
(and you’re also not going to get what you want by continuing to do what you’re doing.)
BUT I won’t leave you hangin’ because I’ve got good news 🎉
…Are you ready for it? (*in my head, Taylor Swift sings you that line*)
When you’re willing to step out of the daily grind and invest in even small pockets of intentional work together, there are some SIMPLE strategies that can totally ✨ change the game ✨
And you wanna know the best part?...
You can reclaim the spark AND access the richer, layered, nuanced connection that comes from a lifetime of experiences together.
This work is one email away. ✉️
I’ll be waiting to help you get there.
P.S. - If you wanna skip the email and go straight for the free consultation, you can schedule it directly, here:
*Please be advised that I take every precaution to protect your security and confidentiality. However, e-mail communication always carries a small risk. By e-mailing me, you're agreeing to this form of communication.